Flagship Talent

Talent Retention

We work with our clients to help them RETAIN their GREAT TALENT!

Hiring great talent and developing great talent are obviously business critical. However, you also need the processes, systems, and work culture to nourish and RETAIN your best talent! We provide support to our clients to help develop the needed systems and processes, and to create company cultures that allow great talent to thrive!

We provide expertise in the following areas:

Performance Management

  • Assessment of Current Processes
  • Development and Implementation Support of Effective Processes

Succession Planning

  • Development of Robust Succession Planning Processes
  • Implementation Support
  • Identification of High Potential Employees
  • Development of Effective HiPo Communication Plans

Career Pathing – Coaching

  • Development and Implementation Support of HiPo Development
    • Skills Training
    • Special projects
    • Mentoring Processes

Work Culture

  • Work Culture Assessments and Gap Analyses
  • Alignment of Organizational Vision/Mission/Core Values